Richardson Seating Corp is a BBB Accredited Seating Company in Chicago, IL
Guide to determine Seat Height for new bar stools

  • 18 inches is a standard height for a chair.  Standard table height is 30 inches from the ground to the top of the table.  With a 30 inch table and an 18 inch chair, most people should have ample leg room.
  • 24 inches is a standard height for a counter stool.  24 inch stools work best at 36 inch counters.  Most breakfast bars are also 36 inches.  Many restaurants have low counters that would also work with a 24 inch stool.
  • 30 inches is the most common height for a standard bar stool.  30 inch bar stool primarily go with 42 inch bars or 42 inch high boy tables.
  • Anything above 30 inches is not standard.  Often these taller bar stools, typically 34-36 inches are used in homes with extra tall counters or in game rooms with billiards.