Richardson Seating Corp is a BBB Accredited Seating Company in Chicago, IL

What is the Boston Fire Code?

The City of Boston's fire code is considered one of the most stringent open-flame tests, comparable with the CAL TB 133 (link to Cal 133) page.  It measures not only heat release and mass loss, but carbon monoxide release.  Richardson Seating is here to help you with providing furniture that meets this exacting standard, from material specifications to testing.

How is furniture tested?

For both the Boston and CAL TB 133 Fire Code, a full scale piece of furniture is placed in a specially designed room where the furniture or mockup is exposed to an approximate 16 KW open flame for eighty seconds. The temperatures at the 4 foot level and ceiling, the mass loss of the furniture, and the carbon monoxide levels in the room are monitored constantly. Also monitored constantly are oxygen consumed, peak heat release, and total heat release.               

A chair undergoing the Boston Fire Code Test

Helpful links below:

Full City of Boston Fire Code

Upholstered Furniture Fire Code

City of Boston Chemist